Nov 21, 2008

Bellongg Independent Tour

Bellongg Independent Tour is available to pick you up where ever you arrive. We provide a comfortable and safe journey.

If you want to enjoy the nature and culture of Java and Bali, contact us! Trust us, and you'll have the best vacation you can imagine.

We arrange good drivers and guides, who can speak English, Dutch, or German.


  1. Hello Bellongg,

    We just want to thank you again for the three wonderfull trips we made with you!

    It was very pleasant that we could make a stop everytime we wanted to make pictures. And the stories you told us about your country, culture and habits were very nice.

    We'll never forget your great laugh. You really are a driver with a smile!

    Leontien & Serge

  2. Nice blog, Dhab!
    I believe you will gain your best achievement.
    Keep your faith.....

